McDonalds branches in Giza
McDonalds - Al Haram
Giza - Haram - Arish Street - off Haram Street
1. Branch Name: Taj Mall
Address: Restaurants area
2. Branch Name: Mecca Mall
Address: Third floor - food court
3. Branch Name: Al Mukhtar Mall
Address: Restaurants area
4. Branch Name: Seventh Circle
Address: Abdullah Ghosheh Street
5. Branch Name: Al Swaifyeh
Address: Abdel Rahim Al Haj Street - Sixth Circle
Address: Aqaba Gate Complex
7. Branch Name: Medical City Street
Address: Behind Mecca Mall
8. Branch Name: The university street
Address: The back gate of Yarmouk University - next to the Teachers Club
9. Branch Name: حي الجسر
Address: جسر الملك فهد الشرقيه الخبر
10. Branch Name: حي الكورنيش
Address: شارع الأمير تركي بن عبدالعزيز (شارع الكورنيش)، الكورنيش، الخبر
11. Branch Name: الحزام الأخضر
Address: شارع البيبسي ، مقابل مستشفى سعد ، الحزام الأخضر ، الخبر
12. Branch Name: شارع الظهران
Address: شارع الظهران، الراشد مول (ساحة الطعام)، السلطانية، الخبر
13. Branch Name: الدانة
Address: شارع عمر بن عبدالعزيز، الدانة، الخبر
14. Branch Name: المزروعية
Address: قاطع شارع الأمير محمد بن فهد مع شارع الملك سعود ، المزروعية ، الدمام
15. Branch Name: العنود
Address: تقاطع شارع الملك سعود مع شارع 42، العنود، الدمام حياة بلازا الشرقيه الدمام
16. Branch Name: المريكبات
Address: شارع الظهران، عبدالله فواد، الدمام المريكبات
17. Branch Name: الكورنيش
Address: شارع الكورنيش، بجانب المجمع النسائي، الكورنيش، الدمام
18. Branch Name: طريق كورنيش
Address: طريق كورنيش الدمام، الشاطئ مول ساحة المطاعم
19. Branch Name: البديعة
Address: السلام مول (ساحة الطعام)، البديعة
20. Branch Name: غرناطة مول
Address: الطريق الدائري الشرقي بين مخرجي (9و8) غرناطة مول (ساحة الطعام)، الرياض
21. Branch Name: الإزدهار
Address: تقاطع الطريق الدائري الشرقي مع شارع الإمام سعود بن عبدالعزيز (مخرج 9)، الإزدهار، الرياض
22. Branch Name: الملز
Address: تقاطع شارع الأحساء مع شارع فاطمة الزهراء، الملز، الرياض
23. Branch Name: النهضة
Address: تقاطع شارع الأمير بندر بن عبدالعزيز مع شارع الحكم المنتصر بالله، النهضة، الرياض
24. Branch Name: الجزيرة
Address: تقاطع شارع الأمير سعد بن عبدالرحمن مع شارع هارون الرشيد، الجزيرة، الرياض
25. Branch Name: السليمانية
Address: تقاطع شارع الأمير سلطان بن عبدالعزيز مع شارع الأمير عبدالعزيز بن جلوي، السليمانية، الرياض
26. Branch Name: الربوة
Address: تقاطع شارع الأمير متعب بن عبدالعزيز مع شارع عمر بن عبدالعزيز، الربوة، الرياض
27. Branch Name: المنار
Address: تقاطع شارع الإمام أحمد بن حنبل مع شارع الإمام الشافعي ، المنار ، الرياض
28. Branch Name: السويدي
Address: تقاطع شارع السويدي العام من شارع حنين، السويدي، الرياض
29. Branch Name: المروج
Address: تقاطع شارع العليا العام مع شارع الأمير تركي بن عبدالعزيز، مقابل معارض الرياض، المروج، الرياض
30. Branch Name: العليا
Address: تقاطع شارع العليا العام مع شارع الأمير سلطان، مركز الفيصلية (ساحة الطعام)، العليا، الرياض
31. Branch Name: العروبة
Address: تقاطع شارع العليا العام مع شارع العروبة، مركز المملكة (ساحة الطعام)، العروبة، الرياض
32. Branch Name: النزهة
Address: تقاطع شارع الملك عبدالله مع شارع عثمان بن عفان، النزهة، الرياض
33. Branch Name: الروضة
Address: تقاطع شارع خالد بن الوليد مع شارع عبدالرحمن الغافقي، الروضة، الرياض
34. Branch Name: النسيم
Address: تقاطع شارع خريص مع شارع سعد بن أبي وقاص، بجانب سوق بنده، النسيم، الرياض
35. Branch Name: الملز الرياض
Address: تقاطع شارع صلاح الدين الأيوبي مع شارع جرير، الملز، الرياض
Address: تقاطع شارع ممدوح بن عبدالعزيز مع شارع عبدالرحمن الشيخ، السليمانية، الرياض
37. Branch Name: حي الملك فهد
Address: تقاطع طريق الإمام سعود بن عبدالعزيز بن محمد مع شارع العليا ، حي الملك فهد ، الرياض
38. Branch Name: الخليج
Address: تقاطع طريق الملك عبدالله مع شارع عبدالرحمن الناصر ، الخليج ، الرياض
39. Branch Name: الورود
Address: شارع الأمير عبدالله، بجانب أسواق السدحان، الورود، الرياض
40. Branch Name: الرائد
Address: شارع الأمير عبدالله، مقابل بوابة جامعة الملك سعود، الرائد، الرياض
41. Branch Name: المعذر
Address: شارع التخصصي، بجانب سوق العزيزية، المعذر، الرياض
42. Branch Name: شارع العروبة
Address: شارع العروبة، العليا مول، العروبة، الرياض
43. Branch Name: العليا الرياض
Address: شارع العليا، العقارية مول (ساحة الطعام)، العليا، الرياض
44. Branch Name: الرحمانية
Address: شارع الملك فهد، مدينة البراجون الترفيهية، الرحمانية، الرياض
45. Branch Name: الشفا
Address: طريق ديراب، بجانب البنك السعودي الفرنسي، الشفا، الرياض
46. Branch Name: طريق خريص
Address: طريق خريص، مركز السلة، الروضة، الرياض
47. Branch Name: حي النسيم
Address: طريق خريص ، العثيم مول (ساحة الطعام) ، حي النسيم ، الرياض
48. Branch Name: شارع فناتير
Address: الجبيل الصناعية، الفناتير مول، الجبيل
49. Branch Name: خميس مشيط
Address: طريق أبها خميس مشيط السريع
50. Branch Name: أبحر
Address: أبحر الشمالية بالقرب من كلية البترجي الطبية
51. Branch Name: السليمانية
Address: السليمانية بلازا، شارع الملك عبد الله
52. Branch Name: الكورنيش
Address: بجانب فندق الشيرتون ، شمال الكورنيش
53. Branch Name: السامر
Address: حي السامر - شارع الاجواد بجانب مستوصف الاسنان
54. Branch Name: حي الشرفية
Address: حي الشرفية، جنوب طريق المدينة برج علي رضا الغربية
55. Branch Name: حراء
Address: سوق حراء الدولي -ضمن المواقف - حراء
56. Branch Name: الاندلس
Address: شارع التحلية، حي الأندلس
57. Branch Name: المعكرونة
Address: شارع المكرونة، مقابل حديقة الأمير ماجد
58. Branch Name: الاندلس مول
Address: شارع الملك عبد الله، المطار القديم الأندلس مول - منطقة المطاعم
59. Branch Name: صاري
Address: شارع صاري، غرب طريق المدينة، صاري
60. Branch Name: المحمدية
Address: شمال شارع الأمير سلطان بالقرب من إشارة مرور الجناح الملكي
61. Branch Name: طريق الكورنيش
Address: طريق الكورنيش، مقابل خفر السواحل، الكورنيش
62. Branch Name: حراء 2
Address: غرب شارع حراء بالقرب من تقاطع طريق الملك، حراء
63. Branch Name: الحمراء
Address: مركز الحمراء التجاري ، طريق الكورنيش، الحمراء
64. Branch Name: أم القرى
Address: طريق أم القرى
65. Branch Name: الخالدية
Address: مركز الكيال، شارع الروضة، حي الخالدية
Address: الدخيل بلازا - شارع سلطانة
67. Branch Name: شارع المطار
Address: شارع المطار المدينه المنوره - النور مول - منطقة المطاعم
68. Branch Name: الحزام
Address: تقاطع شارع الملك عبد العزيز وشارع الأمير عبد المجيد
69. Branch Name: حي الشوقيه
Address: شارع الخمسين - حي الشوقيه
70. Branch Name: العزيزية
Address: شارع العزيزية مركز مينا التجاري، العزيزية
71. Branch Name: Emirates Road
Address: ENOC Petrol Station - Wadi Al Safa 5 - Near Dubai Outlet Mall
Address: E15 - Ground Level - Food Court
73. Branch Name: Mall of the Emirates
Address: E2 - Level 1
74. Branch Name: Umm Suqeim
Address: Emarat Petrol Station - Jumeriah Road - Umm Suqeim Street
75. Branch Name: Al Quoz
Address: ENOC Petrol Station
76. Branch Name: Jebel Ali Village
Address: ENOC Petrol Station - Near Ibn Battuta Mall
77. Branch Name: Al Barsha
Address: ENOC Petrol Station - Hessa Street
78. Branch Name: Dubai Festival City Mall
Address: Skywalk Food Court - 2nd Floor
79. Branch Name: Arabian Center
Address: Food Court - Level 1
80. Branch Name: City Centre Mirdif
Address: North Food Court - Level 1
81. Branch Name: Al Barsha South
Address: ENOC Petrol Station 1072 - Umm Suqeim Road (Towards E311)
82. Branch Name: Century Plaza
Address: Ground Floor - Century Plaza - Jumeirah Beach Road
83. Branch Name: Al Warqa
Address: ENOC Petrol Station
84. Branch Name: Burjuman Centre Extention
Address: Food Court - Level 3
85. Branch Name: Al Ghurair Centre
Address: 2nd Floor - New Extension - Food Court
86. Branch Name: Dubai Marina Mall
Address: Food Court - Level 2
87. Branch Name: Al Wahda Mall
Address: Food Court - Level 2
88. Branch Name: Khalidiyah Mall
Address: Food Court - Level 2
89. Branch Name: Al Nahda
Address: Adnoc Petrol Station - Near Ansar Mall - Al ittihad Road
Address: Food Court - Departures
91. Branch Name: الصباحية
Address: جنوب الصباحية - محطة بنزين ألفا - طريق 40 (المغرب السريع)
92. Branch Name: الجهراء
Address: (الجهراء) المخازن العمومية - مجمع الخيمة مول
93. Branch Name: الواحة
Address: الجهراء - الواحة سنتر - شارع مرزوق المتعب - قطعة 5
94. Branch Name: الدوحة
Address: الدوحة المدينة الترفيهية
Address: الدوحة قطعة 6 الطريق الساحلي
96. Branch Name: شارع تونس
Address: شارع تونس
97. Branch Name: مشرف
Address: مشرف أرض المعارض
98. Branch Name: مشرف 2
Address: مشرف قطعة 4 حديقة مشرف العامة
99. Branch Name: جليب الشيوخ
Address: جليب الشيوخ مركز الضاحية
Address: سوق الخضار واللحمة والسمك في جليب الشيوخ الجديد
101. Branch Name: سلوى
Address: سلوى قطعة 11 حديقة سلوى العامة
Address: ضاحية عبد الله السالم قطعة 3 مركز الضاحية
103. Branch Name: بنيدر
Address: الشاليهات طريق فهد ابن عبد العزيز
104. Branch Name: البيان
Address: البيان قطعة 8 مركز الضاحية
105. Branch Name: القرين
Address: العدان قطعة 3 قطاع 1 مركز الضاحية
106. Branch Name: الفروانية
Address: الفروانية القطعة 27 شارع حبيب مناور مقابل بيت التمويل
107. Branch Name: الفردوس
Address: الفردوس محطة الباصات
108. Branch Name: الفيحاء
Address: الفيحاء - قطعة 5 - شارع الزهراء - جمعية الفيحاء
109. Branch Name: الشويخ
Address: الشويخ الصناعية مركز سلطان الدائري الرابع
Address: الشويخ الصناعية شارع كندا دراى مركز واره
111. Branch Name: الشعب
Address: الشعب مركز الضاحية
112. Branch Name: منطقة الشرق
Address: الواجهة البحرية سوق شرق مجمع منطقة السيف
113. Branch Name: منطقة الشرق 2
Address: جمعية الشرق التعاونية الشرق ق 8 شارع السور
114. Branch Name: دريم مول
Address: الري الدائري الرابع بمجمع دريم مول
115. Branch Name: مارينا مول
Address: السالمية مجمع مارينا مول
Address: السالمية المالية سوق الخضار و السمك قطاع 16 مجمع سيتي سنتر
117. Branch Name: ابو حليفة
Address: ابو حليفة مجمع كويت ماجيك
Address: Ground Floor
119. Branch Name: Al Nasr
Address: Opposite Al Mana Towers - C Ring Road
120. Branch Name: Umm Ghuwailina
Address: Beside Damas - Ras Abu Aboud Street
121. Branch Name: Markhiya
Address: Near Silk Laundary - Khalifa Street
122. Branch Name: Al Wakrah
Address: Opposite Al Fardan Exchange - Al Wakrah Market Road
Address: Cinema Food Court - 3rd Floor
124. Branch Name: The Mall
Address: Food Court - 1st Floor
125. Branch Name: Salwa Road
Address: Al Jazeera Petrol Station
126. Branch Name: Barwa Village
Address: Shop 48 - Building 16
127. Branch Name: Abu Hamour
Address: Abu Hamour Petrol Station - Mesaimeer Street
128. Branch Name: Lagoona Mall
Address: Beside Carrefour - Ground Floor
129. Branch Name: Muaither
Address: Beside Royal Toys - Al Muaither Complex - Furousiya Street
130. Branch Name: الخوير
Address: بجانب محطة بترول الخوير - يمكن مشاهدته من الطريق الرئيسي لشارع السلطان قابوس
131. Branch Name: السيب
Address: الخوض، ولاية السيب
132. Branch Name: سيتي سنتر
Address: بجانب ركن المطاعم في مسقط سيتي سنتر / كارفور، رسيل، السيب
133. Branch Name: السيب 2
Address: بجانب محطة بترول مويلح بعد مسقط سيتي سنتر
Address: في باحة المطاعم القرم سيتي سنتر
135. Branch Name: مجمع القرم
Address: مجمع القرم(AQC) ، شارع سيح المالح
136. Branch Name: العذيبة
Address: بجانب محطة العذيبة (قبل مطار مسقط الدولي)
Address: نادى مصر الجديدة
138. Branch Name: مدينة نصر
Address: نهاية شارع عباس العقاد بعد بارك الدولى - مدينة نصر
Address: داخل جامعة
140. Branch Name: المعادي
Address: كارفور المعادى
141. Branch Name: Al Maadi New
Address: El Khamseen St - Sector 13 - Opposite to Hub - 50 Mall Zahraa Al Maadi
142. Branch Name: شبرا
Address: 121 شارع شبرا - دوار شبرا شارع صالح الراعي
143. Branch Name: ٦ أكتوبر
Address: 39 - ساحة الحصرى
144. Branch Name: دريم لاند
Address: دريم لاند، نادي البوابة
145. Branch Name: ٦ أكتوبر جهينة
Address: سكوير جهينة، 6 أكتوبر
146. Branch Name: العامرية
Address: الإسكندرية - الطريق الصحراوي
147. Branch Name: العجمي
Address: 68 شارع البيطاش - شارع شهر العسل - العجمى
148. Branch Name: نادي رياضي
Address: نادي رياضي - الإسكندرية
149. Branch Name: سموحة
Address: شارع فيكتور عمانويل سموحة نادي
150. Branch Name: سان ستيفانو
Address: سان ستيفانو - الإسكندرية
151. Branch Name: لوران
Address: 25 شارع الإقبال مقابل مدرسة الإقبال
152. Branch Name: المنتزه
Address: فالكون مول، المنتزه، الاسكندرية
153. Branch Name: معابد الطريق
Address: الأقصر معابد الطريق
154. Branch Name: سفاجا
Address: سنزو مول، طريق سفاجا. الغردقة
155. Branch Name: شارع الشيراتون
Address: طريق الشيراتون قطعة رقم 14
156. Branch Name: طريق القرى
Address: ساحة المركز التجاري، شارع يوسف عفيفى الغردقة
157. Branch Name: مجمع الرفاع
Address: بالقرب من مجمع الرفاع
158. Branch Name: شارع المعارض
Address: شارع المعارض مقابل محطة البترول
159. Branch Name: سوق المنامة
Address: مقابل يتيم سنتر في مجمّع بتلكو
160. Branch Name: طريق المطار
Address: بجانب محط وقود المحرق في طريق المطار
161. Branch Name: الدانة مول
Address: الدانة مول
162. Branch Name: السيف
Address: مجمع السيف زاوية المطاعم الاولي والثانية
163. Branch Name: Airport Road
Address: Manaseer gas station
164. Branch Name: Amman Mall
Address: Restaurant hall
165. Branch Name: Al Baraka Mall
Address: Food Court
166. Branch Name: Arabella Mall
Address: Restaurants area
167. Branch Name: King Hussein Street
Address: Next to the Royal Yacht Club
168. Branch Name: Total station
Address: The end of Army Street
169. Branch Name: University of Jordan
Address: Queen Rania Al Abdullah Street (University Street) - opposite the main gate of the University of Jordan
170. Branch Name: Al Waab
Address: Food Court - Villaggio - Al Waab Street
Address: Mirqab Mall - Al Mirqab Al Jadeed Street
172. Branch Name: Zero One Mall
Address: Ground Floor
173. Branch Name: Doha Festival City
Address: South Food Court - Ground Floor
174. Branch Name: Salwa Road - Petrol Station
Address: Al Mana Petrol Station
175. Branch Name: حي تعاون
Address: حي تعاون
176. Branch Name: الازدهار
Address: مخرج 9 - الدائري الشرقي
177. Branch Name: العزيزية
Address: العزيزيه مول
178. Branch Name: Al Serw
Address: In front of Al-Ahliyya Amman University - Manaseer Gas Station
179. Branch Name: Abdullah Ghosheh Street
Address: Opposite Jaber Complex
180. Branch Name: Taj Lifestyle
Address: Restaurants area
181. Branch Name: الروابي
Address: الدوار الأول - على طريق الامام الشافعي - عزيز مول
182. Branch Name: الدوحة
Address: حي الدوحة الجنوبية - شارع الملك سعود - الظهران مول
183. Branch Name: Irbid City Centre
Address: Restaurants area
184. Branch Name: Al Khubeirah
Address: ADNOC Petrol Station - Near Spinney's Supermarket
185. Branch Name: Embassies District
Address: ADNOC Petrol Pump - Airport Road
186. Branch Name: Mushrif Mall
Address: Food Court - Level 3
187. Branch Name: Mazyad Mall
Address: Food Court - Level 2
188. Branch Name: Al Mariah Mall
Address: Level 1
Address: Skypark Plaza - Opposite Terminal 3
190. Branch Name: Abu Dhabi Mall
Address: Food Court - Level 3
191. Branch Name: Bawabat Al Sharq Mall
Address: Food Court - Level 1
192. Branch Name: Yas Mall
Address: Food Court - Level 1
193. Branch Name: Deerfields Mall
Address: Food Court - Level 4
194. Branch Name: Al Mushrif
Address: ADNOC Service Station - Sheikh Rashid Bin Saeed Street
195. Branch Name: Ajman Industrial Area
Address: EPPCO Petrol Station - Sheikh Maktoom Street - New Ajman Industrial Area
196. Branch Name: City Centre Ajman
Address: Food Court
197. Branch Name: Dalma Mall
Address: foot court - Level 2
198. Branch Name: Albaten
Address: ADNOC Petrol Station - Near First AbudhabiBank of Abu Dhabi
199. Branch Name: AK Mall
Address: Food Court - 2nd Floor
200. Branch Name: Manar Mall
Address: Food Court - Ground Floor
201. Branch Name: Safeer Mall
Address: Ground Floor
202. Branch Name: Fujairah City Centre
Address: Food Court - Ground Level
203. Branch Name: الشقراء
Address: الشقراء
204. Branch Name: Al Jurf
Address: Al Imam Ahmed Bin Hambel Street - Opposite Ajman University
205. Branch Name: Al Rashidiya
Address: Ajman Club - Al Rashidiya 2
206. Branch Name: Al Hamidiya
Address: ADNOC station
207. Branch Name: EPPCO Petrol Station
Address: EPPCO Petrol Station - Next to Fujairah Beach Motel - Al Fasil Road
208. Branch Name: World Trade Centre Mall
Address: Level 1 - Food court
209. Branch Name: Al Khalidiya
Address: Opposite RAK Bank - Near Paris Gallery - Zayed The First Street
210. Branch Name: Al Dhafrah
Address: Ground Level - Al Falah Plaza
Address: Ground Floor - Near Co-op
212. Branch Name: Al Wahda Mall - level 3
Address: Level 3 - Al Wahda Mall Extension
213. Branch Name: Dalma Mall - level 1
Address: Level 1 - Near Centrepoint
214. Branch Name: Muroor
Address: Near ADNOC Petrol Station
215. Branch Name: Mussafah Shabiya
Address: Adnoc Petrol Station - Opposite L'Arabia Hotel Apartments - Near Mazyad Mall - Mohamed Bin Zayed City
216. Branch Name: Al Shahama
Address: ADNOC Petrol Station - Near Deerfields Mall
217. Branch Name: Al Seef Village Mall
Address: Level 1
Address: Food Court - Level 1
219. Branch Name: Central Mall
Address: 1st Floor
220. Branch Name: Ghantoot
Address: ADNOC Petrol Station - Sheikh Mohammed Bin Khalifa Road
Address: ADNOC Petrol Station - Al Saiyah - Near Mohammed Bin Zayed City
222. Branch Name: Khalifa City - ADNOC Statio
Address: ADNOC Petrol Statio - Shakhbout City - MFW 10
223. Branch Name: Khalifa City - Mahwi ADNOC
Address: Mahwi North ADNOC Station - Abu Dhabi Al Ain Road
Address: Main Level - After Passport Control - Terminal 1
225. Branch Name: Baniyas
Address: ADNOC Al Rdoum
226. Branch Name: Ghantoot - ADNOC
Address: ADNOC Petrol Station - Abu Dhabi Dubai E11
Address: Opposite Abu Dhabi City Municipality - Behind Indian Islamic Center
228. Branch Name: Shakhbout City
Address: ADNOC Petrol Statio
229. Branch Name: Al Maqtaa
Address: ADNOC Petrol Station - Officer City
230. Branch Name: Al Falah City
Address: Adnoc Petrol Station - Near Al Rayaana School - Al Falah South
231. Branch Name: Dubai Media City
Address: CNBC Building
232. Branch Name: Dubai Silicon Oasis (DSO)
Address: SouqExtra - Near IT Plaza
233. Branch Name: Al Nahda
Address: ENOC Petrol Station - Al Doha Street
234. Branch Name: Jafza - ENOC Station
Address: ENOC Petrol Station - Al Hassa - Near Jafza
235. Branch Name: Al Khaleej Center
Address: Ground Level
236. Branch Name: Jumeirah village
Address: Enoc Petrol Station - Hessa Street
237. Branch Name: Ibn Battuta Mall
Address: Food Court - Tunisia Court
Address: Food Court - Departure - Terminal 1
Address: Ground Floor - Amwaj Building - The Walk
Address: Food Court - Lower Ground Level
241. Branch Name: International City
Address: The Pavilion - Ground Floor - France Cluster
242. Branch Name: Oud Metha - ENOC Station
Address: ENOC Petrol Station
243. Branch Name: Hor Al Anz
Address: Union Cooperative Society
Address: Emarat Petrol Station - Near Global Village
245. Branch Name: Baniyas
Address: Al Nasser Building - Baniyas Square
246. Branch Name: Arabian Ranches
Address: Level 1 - The Village
247. Branch Name: Al Safa
Address: ENOC Petrol Station - Al Wasl Road
248. Branch Name: Al Quoz - ENOC
Address: ENOC Tasjeel, Al Quoz, Dubai
249. Branch Name: Discovery Gardens
Address: Al Furjan Pavilion - Al Furjan - Near Discovery Gardens
250. Branch Name: Academic City
Address: ENOC Petrol Station - Near Heriot Watt University - Academic City Road
Address: Inside Spinneys Building - Sheikh Khalifa Zayed Street
252. Branch Name: City Centre Me’aisem
Address: Ground Level
253. Branch Name: City Centre Deira
Address: Food Court - Level 1
254. Branch Name: Dragon Mart 2
Address: Food Court - 1st Floor
255. Branch Name: Al Majaz
Address: Next to ADNOC Petrol Station - King Faisal Street - Al Majaz 3
256. Branch Name: Sahara Center
Address: Food Court - Level 1
257. Branch Name: Matajer Mall
Address: food court
258. Branch Name: Mega Mall
Address: Food Court - Level 3
259. Branch Name: Al Nasseriya City Center
Address: food court
260. Branch Name: Maysaloon
Address: ADNOC Petrol Station
261. Branch Name: Al Nahda - Al Nahda Street
Address: EPPCO Petrol Station
262. Branch Name: University City
Address: Matajer
263. Branch Name: Sharjah City Centre
Address: Level 1
264. Branch Name: Matajer Mall
Address: Matajer Al Mirgab
265. Branch Name: Wasit Suburb
Address: Matajer - Al Goaz
266. Branch Name: Saif - Al Dhaid Road
Address: ADNOC Petrol Station
267. Branch Name: Industrial Area
Address: Al Abbar - EMARAT Station - Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Road
268. Branch Name: Saif
Address: ADNOC Petrol Station - Near Tasjeel - Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Road - Near Saif Zone
Address: EMARAT Petrol Station
270. Branch Name: Khor Fakkan
Address: Next to Tasjeel - Sheikh Khalid Road
271. Branch Name: Al Nakheel
Address: ADNOC Petrol Station - Al Hisn Road
272. Branch Name: My City Centre
Address: Food Court
273. Branch Name: Al Naeem Mall
Address: Food court
274. Branch Name: Lulu Mall
Address: Food Court - Level 1
275. Branch Name: Fujairah Mall
Address: Food court
276. Branch Name: Dubai Investment Park
Address: ADNOC Petrol Station - Opoosite Jebel Ali Police Station
277. Branch Name: The Dubai Mall - Level 2
Address: Food Court - Level 2
278. Branch Name: Al Bustan Center
Address: Food Court - Ground Floor
279. Branch Name: Emirates Hills
Address: Community Centre
280. Branch Name: Al Garhoud
Address: EPPCO Petrol Station - Marakesh Road
281. Branch Name: Dubai International Airport
Address: Terminal 2
282. Branch Name: Muhaisnah
Address: Ground Level - Inside Emirates Co-operative Society - Street 31
283. Branch Name: Rashidiya
Address: EPPCO Petrol Station - Nad Al Hammar Road
Address: Emarat Petrol Station - Toward Abu Dhabi - Sheikh Zayed Road
285. Branch Name: Green Community Center
Address: The Market
Address: Inside Al Maktoum International Airport
287. Branch Name: Dubai World Central
Address: Opposite Dubai Logistics City Customs Center - ENOC Station
288. Branch Name: Mankhool
Address: EMARAT Petrol Station - Al Mankhool Road
289. Branch Name: My City Center - Al Barsha
Address: Ground Floor
290. Branch Name: Dubai Investment Park
Address: ENOC Petrol Station - Opposite Green Community School
291. Branch Name: Mercato Mall
Address: Food Court - 1st Floor
292. Branch Name: Qusais
Address: ENOC Petrol Station - Opposite Al Bustan Center - Al Nahda Road
293. Branch Name: Bin Sougat Centre
Address: Ground Level
294. Branch Name: Mirdif
Address: ENOC Petrol Station - Tunis Road - Al Mizhar
295. Branch Name: Jumeirah
Address: Opposite Aswaaq Mall - Al Wasl Road - Jumeirah 1
296. Branch Name: Al Warqa - ENOC Station
Address: ENOC Petrol Station - Opposite Dragon Mart
Address: Terminal 3
298. Branch Name: Al Satwa
Address: Union Cooperative Society - Near Canadian University
299. Branch Name: Jafza
Address: ENOC Petrol Station
300. Branch Name: The Dubai Mall
Address: KidZania
301. Branch Name: IMPZ
Address: Food Court - ENOC Petrol Station - Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Road
302. Branch Name: Al Jubaiha
Address: Opposite Safeway
303. Branch Name: Sabah Al Salem
Address: Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governorate - Sabah Al Salem - Block 5, Road 4, Behind Platinum Health Club
304. Branch Name: Al Khaleej Al Arabi St
Address: Hawalli Governorate - Al Shaab - Plot 8, Al Khaleej Al Arabi St., opposite Al Shaab Palace
305. Branch Name: Al-Khairan
Address: Al-Ahmadi Governorate - Al-Khairan - King Fahd Bin Abdulaziz Road, Al Khairan Park and Chalets
306. Branch Name: Jabriya
Address: Hawalli Governorate - Jabriya - Plot 3A, 104th Street, next to Mr. Spez & Technical Examination, opposite the Jabriya Cooperative Society
307. Branch Name: Al Rqa'i
Address: Al Farwaniya Governorate - Al Rqa'i - Fourth Ring Road, Al Dareer Complex Sector 2, Behind Courts Complex
308. Branch Name: alhadia
Address: Al Ahmadi Governorate - Gift - Plot 1, Khalifa Street Talal Al Jeri, Next to Gulf Bank Gift Branch
309. Branch Name: Salim Al Mubarak Street
Address: Hawalli Governorate - Salmiya - Salim Al Mubarak Street opposite Zahra Complex next to Al Fanar Complex
310. Branch Name: Al Qasr
Address: Block 2 - 619 street
311. Branch Name: Al Andalus
Address: Al Farwaniya Governorate - Al Andalus - Block 11, 101
312. Branch Name: Al Adan Cooperative Society
Address: Mubarak Al Kabeer Governorate - Al Adan - Inside Al Adan Cooperative Society (Plot 3, Main) - Block 3, 102nd Street, Al Adan Cooperative Society Beside Sabay & Zain Branch
313. Branch Name: Khaitan Cooperative Society
Address: Farwaniya Governorate - Khaitan - Inside Khaitan Cooperative Society - Block 9, 31st Street, next to Khaitan post
314. Branch Name: Salwa Park
Address: Block 11 - Ali Thunayan Athena Street - inside Salwa Park
315. Branch Name: Al-Jaleb Market
Address: Al-Farwaniya Governorate - Jleeb Al-Shuyukh - Plot 4, Street 250, inside Al-Jaleb Market, next to the Gian Easi Supermarket
Address: Hawalli Governorate - Mubarak Al Abdullah - piece 6, inside Musharraf International Fair
317. Branch Name: Ibn Khaldoun Street
Address: Hawalli Governorate - Hawalli - Ibn Khaldoun Street, Zeina Center
318. Branch Name: Al Rehab
Address: Farwaniya Governorate - Al Rehab - Plot 2, 101 Street, opposite Kuwait Finance House
319. Branch Name: Fahaheel
Address: Ahmadi Governorate - Fahaheel - Block 11, Coastal Road, opposite Al Kout Complex
320. Branch Name: Al Qusour
Address: Block 1 - 208 St.
Address: Capital Governorate - Nozha - Inside Nozha Cooperative Association (Plot 2, Main) - Plot 1, Abdul Rahman Al Fares Street
322. Branch Name: Yarmouk Cooperative Society
Address: Al-Yarmouk Governorate - Yarmouk Cooperative Society (Plot 3, Main) - Block 3, Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz Street Intersection with Ahmed Yousif Al Thaqib Street
323. Branch Name: Damascus Street
Address: Hawalli Governorate - Siddiq - Block 3, Damascus Street, next to Burger King
324. Branch Name: Al-Fintas
Address: Al-Ahmadi Governorate - Al-Fintas - Coastal Road, Huraika Al-Fintas
325. Branch Name: the Avenues Complex
Address: Farwaniya Governorate - Al-Rai - Inside the Avenues Complex - inside the dining hall
326. Branch Name: Abu Dhar Al Ghafari Street
Address: Hawalli Governorate - Salmiya - Block 12, Abu Dhar Al Ghafari Street, next to Green International, First Floor
327. Branch Name: Old Souk
Address: Hawalli Governorate - Salmiya - Block 9, Salem Salem Street intersection with Amman Street, Old Souk
328. Branch Name: the Cosmo Bowling
Address: Capital Governorate - Kefan - Al Jahra Street, inside the Cosmo Bowling Building, next to Platnium Club
329. Branch Name: Al-Mahboula
Address: Al-Ahmadi Governorate - Al-Mahboula - Al-Fahaheel Highway (Abdulaziz Bin Abdulrahman Al Saud Street) with Ajran Hassan Al Ajran Street, Inside Platinum Health Club and Cosmo Bowling
330. Branch Name: Al-Sura Cooperative Society
Address: Capital Governorate - Al-Sura - Al-Sura Cooperative Association - Block 5, 50th Street
Address: Capital Governorate - Al Rawda - Inside Al Rawda Cooperative Society (Plot 2, Main) - Plot 5, Damascus Street, Gamal Abdel Nasser Park
332. Branch Name: Zahraa Cooperative Society
Address: Hawalli Governorate - Al Zahraa - Inside Zahraa Cooperative Society (Plot 4, Main) - Block 4,
333. Branch Name: Akkan Residential Complex
Address: Hawalli Governorate - Salmiya - Inside Akkan Residential Complex - Restaurants Street (Amr Bin Al Aas Street), Akkan Complex next to Gloria Jeans opposite Gian Supermarket
334. Branch Name: the Airport Market
Address: Al Farwaniya Governorate - Airport - Inside the Airport Market - Arrival Hall Parking
335. Branch Name: Sahara Complex
Address: Al Jahra Governorate - Al Jahraa - Plot 3, Marzouq Al Mutab Street, inside Sahara Complex, next to X-Site Alghanim Electronics
336. Branch Name: Al-Dajeej
Address: Street 79 - next to Farwaniya Immigration Building - opposite City Center
337. Branch Name: Bayraq Complex
Address: Ahmadi Governorate - Aqeelah - inside Al Bayraq Complex - inside the compound
Address: Al-Farwaniya Governorate - Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh - Inside Jleeb Al-Shuyukh Cooperative Society (Plot 1) - Plot 1, Aqab Al Ashhab Street, next to Gulf Bank and Pizza Hut
339. Branch Name: Al Liwan Complex
Address: Al-Ahmadi Governorate - Al-Aqeelah - inside Al Liwan Complex
340. Branch Name: Al Rai
Address: Farwaniya Governorate - Al Rai - Intersection of the Fourth Ring Road (Hussein Bin Ali Al Roumi Street) with Airport Road (55th Street), Lulu Hypermarket
341. Branch Name: El Merqab
Address: Capital Governorate - El Merqab - Inside the ski hall - El Sour Street
342. Branch Name: Alfa fuel station
Address: Ahmadi Governorate - Abu Halifa - Block 1, Route 30, inside Alfa fuel station
343. Branch Name: Al Wafra
Address: Al Ahmadi Governorate - Al Wafra - King Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz Road, Al Wafra Outlet, Al Nuweisab Rest House
344. Branch Name: Discovery Mall
Address: Capital Governorate - Al Merqab - Inside Discovery Mall - Mezzanine Floor
345. Branch Name: Qibla
Address: Capital Governorate - Qibla - Plot 9, Ahmed Al Jaber Street, Al-Darwaza intersection, opposite the real estate stand
346. Branch Name: Mall 360
Address: Hawalli Governorate - Al Zahra - Inside Mall 360 - Sixth Ring Road, South Al-Surah, Al-Zahra Area
347. Branch Name: Magic Planet
Address: Farwaniya Governorate - Al-Ray - Inside the Avenues Complex - Inside Magic Planet
348. Branch Name: Souk Sharq Complex
Address: Capital Governorate - East - Inside Souk Sharq Complex - Outside the complex, Cafe area, opposite the sea
349. Branch Name: The Gate Mall
Address: Al Ahmadi - Al Aqeelah - Inside The Gate Mall - Plot 5, Intersection of 250nd Street with 104th Street
350. Branch Name: Al Mahlab Mall
Address: Hawalli Governorate - Hawalli - Inside Al Mahlab Mall - Beirut Street, Al Muthanna Street Intersection
351. Branch Name: the Salil Al-Jahraa Complex
Address: Al-Jahra Governorate - Al-Jahra - Inside the Salil Al-Jahraa Complex - Intersection of the Sixth Ring with the Jahra Road, Marzouq Al-Mutab Street
352. Branch Name: Salmiya market
Address: Hawalli Governorate - Salmiya - within the Salmiya market
353. Branch Name: An Nuqrah
Address: An Nuqrah- Hail
354. Branch Name: Fanateer
Address: Jubail Industrial City 35811 - The waterfront in Fanateer - The Galleria Mall Complex - Food Court
355. Branch Name: Jubail Plaza Complex
Address: Jubail City Al Balad51244 - King Faisal West Road intersection with Jeddah Road - Jubail Plaza Complex
356. Branch Name: Al-Jubail Mall Complex
Address: Al-Jubail City Al-Balad 35514 - Al-Madina Al-Munawara Road - the intersection of King Abdulaziz Road - Al-Jubail Mall Complex
357. Branch Name: King Abdulaziz Road
Address: Jubail City Al Balad - King Abdulaziz Road - Intersection of King Abdullah Road - Taiba Center Complex
358. Branch Name: Al Aqeeq
Address: Riyadh Park Mall - North Ring Branch Rd
359. Branch Name: Manama
Address: Manama 320 - Building 149 - Road No. 2004
360. Branch Name: Tubli
Address: Tubli 373 - Road 7307
361. Branch Name: Saar Avenue
Address: Shop No. 7 - Najibi Center Building 3 - Road 15 - Block 515 - Saar 515
362. Branch Name: Zallaq
Address: Building No. 46, Block 1056, Bahrain Bay Street 62, Sakhir 1000
363. Branch Name: alnwydrat
Address: Al Esteglal Hwy
364. Branch Name: eali
Address: Al Ramly Mall - Road No. 3025
365. Branch Name: Al Malikiyah
Address: Road 3876 - Zaid bin Amira Road - Al Reef Complex
366. Branch Name: Sheikh Zayed Road
Address: Sultan Mall - Shop No. 23 - Madinat Zayed
Address: Unit No. 157 - Building No. 212 Rd. 2404
368. Branch Name: Juffair
Address: Shop No. 5 and 6 - Building No. 500 - Road 41 - Al Shabab Street - Block 341
369. Branch Name: Badaro
Address: The farm - Sami El-Solh Street
370. Branch Name: Al Muwaiji
Address: ADNOC Petrol Station - Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Street
371. Branch Name: Town Centre
Address: Near Mansour Jewellers - Khalifa Street
372. Branch Name: Al Jimi Mall
Address: Food Court - First Floor
373. Branch Name: Al Bateen - Souq Extra
Address: Ground Level - Souq Extra
374. Branch Name: Falaj Hazza
Address: Beside ADNOC Station - Shiekh Khalifa Bin Zayed
375. Branch Name: Hili Mall
Address: Food Court - Level 2
376. Branch Name: Al Ain Mall
Address: Level 2
377. Branch Name: Al Jimi
Address: ADNOC Petrol Station - Opposite Hazza Bin Zayed Stadium - Al Awwal Street
378. Branch Name: Bawadi Mall
Address: Food Court - 1st Floor
379. Branch Name: Al Sarooj
Address: Al Shabhat Plaza
Address: Food Court
381. Branch Name: Al Yahar
Address: Al Aliah Mall
382. Branch Name: The Galleria Mall
Address: Level 2 - Food Court - The Galleria Mall Extension
383. Branch Name: Old Airport Area
Address: Beside Family Food Center -Old Airport Road
384. Branch Name: Mesaimeer
Address: Food Court - Lulu Hypermarket - Barwa City - Mesaimeer, Doha
385. Branch Name: Al Meera Al Thumama
Address: Al Meera Al Thumama - Al Hadara Street
386. Branch Name: City Center Mall
Address: Near Main Entrance
387. Branch Name: Al Rayyan
Address: Near International Islamic Bank - Al Shafi Street
388. Branch Name: Doha
Address: Al Meera - Wadi Al Humra Street
389. Branch Name: Hyatt Plaza
Address: Food Court
390. Branch Name: Dar Al Salam Mall
Address: Food Court - Second Floor
391. Branch Name: Al Gharafa
Address: Woqood Petrol Station - Al Huwar Street
Address: Opposite Olympic Sports - Wholesale Market Road
393. Branch Name: Mall of Qatar
Address: Food Court
Address: Food Court - First Floor
395. Branch Name: Bin Omran
Address: Town Center - Opposite Al Ahli Hospital
Address: Opposite Barazan Souq
397. Branch Name: Al Meera
Address: Al Meera Jeryan Nejaima - Arab League Street
Address: Al Meera Muraikh - Al Furousiya Street
399. Branch Name: Mirqab Mall
Address: New Food Court
Address: Taibah Petrol Station - Doha Expressway
Address: Woqod Petrol Station
402. Branch Name: Industrial Area
Address: Al Wakalat Street
403. Branch Name: Al Tahrir
Address: 6 Prince Qadadar Street - off Mohamed Mahmoud Street - downtown Cairo - in front of the American University
404. Branch Name: Sharif Street
Address: 28 Sharif Street - off the 26th of July Street - next to the National Bank of Egypt
405. Branch Name: Talaat harb
Address: 42 Talaat Harb Street - in front of Metro Cinema
406. Branch Name: Hilton Ramses
Address: Ramses Hilton commercial annex
407. Branch Name: Aga Khan Shubra
Address: Dawlatian Street - Aga Khan Towers - Tower A - Shubra - near Labora Pastry
408. Branch Name: Al Manial
Address: 54 Manial Street - in front of Khair Zaman Supermarket
409. Branch Name: Al Zamalek
Address: 9 B - Abu Al Feda Street - next to Pizza Hut
410. Branch Name: Al Jazeera Club
Address: 15 Saray Al-Jazira Street - inside Al-Jazira Sports Club
411. Branch Name: 51 Street 9
Address: In front of the Maadi barracks metro
412. Branch Name: New Maadi
Address: The intersection of Al-Nasr Street and Lasilki Street - Block 1 - Block 7
413. Branch Name: City Center Maadi
Address: Restaurants area
414. Branch Name: Zahraa El Maadi
Address: 50th Street - in front of the National Petrol Station
415. Branch Name: Helwan
Address: 46 Ragheb Street - Safwa Towers
416. Branch Name: El Mokattam
Address: 14 Al Nafoura Square - next to Metro Market
417. Branch Name: Saraya Mall
Address: Restaurants area
418. Branch Name: Al-Sarraj Mall
Address: The end of Makram Ebeid - next to El Serag Mall
419. Branch Name: Mustafa Al-Nahhas
Address: 54 Al-Nahhas Street - in front of Al-Tawheed and Al-Nour
420. Branch Name: City Stars
Address: Restaurants area
421. Branch Name: Wonderland Mall
Address: second floor
422. Branch Name: Abbas El Akkad
Address: 39 Abbas El Akkad Street - next to Magrabi Optical
423. Branch Name: Genena Mall
Address: first floor
424. Branch Name: Chillout station Al Nakheel
Address: Mohamed Zaki Square - Ain Sukhna Road - Tenth District
425. Branch Name: sun club
Address: 41 Abdel Hamid Badawi Street - in front of Al Shams Club
426. Branch Name: Oasis
Address: Airport Road 1 - next to La Poire - Masaken Sheraton - next to Oasis
427. Branch Name: Heliopolis Club
Address: 17 El Sayed El Merghany Street
428. Branch Name: Al Mirghani
Address: 110 Al-Mirghani Street - the intersection of Al-Thawra Street - in front of Almaza Central
429. Branch Name: Sun City Mall
Address: Carrefour Sheraton Residences
430. Branch Name: Safir Square
Address: 60 Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Street - next to the National Bank - Société Générale
431. Branch Name: Al Maryland
Address: 23 Social Institute Street - in front of Maryland Park
432. Branch Name: Heliopolis
Address: 29 Al-Ahram Street - in front of Al-Hurriya Mall
433. Branch Name: Cairo airport
Address: Hall 1 - second floor - restaurants area
434. Branch Name: Total station 90th Street
Address: inside the station
435. Branch Name: Cairo Festival City Mall
Address: Emirates station Egypt
436. Branch Name: Seven Stars Mall
Address: ground floor
437. Branch Name: Concord Plaza Mall
Address: Restaurants area
438. Branch Name: Emerald Twin Plaza
Address: Next to Wadi Degla Club and the Police Academy
439. Branch Name: South Park
Address: Restaurants area
440. Branch Name: Al Rehab
Address: Shop 9 - Grand Cafe - Trade Center
441. Branch Name: El Shorouk City
Address: First Zone - Inside Shell Station
442. Branch Name: Fishing Club
Address: 36 Shooting Club Street - off Mohi El Din Street - in front of Magrabi Optical
443. Branch Name: Mesaha Square
Address: 10 Al Mesaha Square - next to La Mandine Sweets
444. Branch Name: League of Arab States
Address: 31-34 Arab League Street - Zamalek Club Wall - in front of Atlas Zamalek Hotel
445. Branch Name: Shehab Street
Address: 59 Shehab Street - in front of Vodafone Egypt
446. Branch Name: Al Haram
Address: Arish Street - off Haram Street
447. Branch Name: Cairo Mall El Haram
Address: Restaurants area
448. Branch Name: Al Libyan
Address: Al Libini axis
449. Branch Name: Faisal
Address: 107 Faisal Street - Next to Al Nabawi Motor
450. Branch Name: Sudan Street
Address: 425 Sudan Street - next to the court
451. Branch Name: Dandy Mega Mall
Address: Restaurants area
452. Branch Name: the desert road
Address: Inside Chillout Station
453. Branch Name: Glory Mall
Address: 45 Central Axis - next to Al-Nasr Sports Mall
454. Branch Name: Mall of Egypt
Address: Restaurants area
455. Branch Name: Palm Strip October
Address: Restaurants area
456. Branch Name: Mall of Arabia
Address: Gate 23
457. Branch Name: Total Egypt gas station
Address: inside the station
458. Branch Name: Beverly Hills Sheikh Zayed
Address: Restaurants area
459. Branch Name: Sporting Club
Address: Restaurants area
460. Branch Name: Cleopatra
Address: 148 Army Street - next to Cleopatra Hotel
461. Branch Name: Miami
Address: 227 Gamal Abdel Nasser Street - next to Mito Restaurant Alexandria
462. Branch Name: Falcon Mall
Address: First round
463. Branch Name: City Center Carrefour
Address: Restaurants area
464. Branch Name: Mahatet El Raml
Address: Next to Radio Shack
465. Branch Name: Al Shatby
Address: Al-Ittihad club wall
Address: Restaurants area
467. Branch Name: Al Mandara
Address: 158 Army Road
468. Branch Name: Stanley
Address: 253 Army Road Street
469. Branch Name: Chill Station
Address: Al Dhraa Al Bahri - Burj Al Arab
470. Branch Name: Marina 1
Address: trade Center
471. Branch Name: Marina Entrance 3
Address: Porto Marina Mall No. 106
472. Branch Name: Marina 2
Address: Entrance 2
473. Branch Name: Zahran Mall
Address: Restaurants area
474. Branch Name: Dunes Mall
Address: Restaurants area
475. Branch Name: Damanhour
Address: Damanhour Abdel Salam El Shazly Street - near Kentucky
476. Branch Name: Matruh
Address: Corniche Road - in front of the Bride of the Sea Hotel
477. Branch Name: Al Ismailia
Address: 6 Al-Thawra Street - Hosni Abed Rabbo Tower - in front of Seif Pharmacies
478. Branch Name: Suez Governorate
Address: Ain Sokhna - Zaafarana Street - next to Porto Sokhna - in front of the entrance to the dome
479. Branch Name: Al Dakahlia
Address: 40 Al-Gomhoria Street - next to Al-Mughrabi Opticals
480. Branch Name: Suez Canal Street
Address: 109 Suez Canal Street - Ghanem Tower - next to Khair Zaman
481. Branch Name: Tanta
Address: The intersection of the Army Street with Abdel Halim Street - in front of (Telecom Egypt)
482. Branch Name: Shbeen El Koom
Address: Jamal Abdel Nasser Street - Safa Towers - next to Shebin El-Koum Club
483. Branch Name: Al Zagazig
Address: Talaba Aweidah Street
484. Branch Name: 10th of Ramadan
Address: Shell Station - Next to Hyper One
485. Branch Name: Damietta
Address: 141 Saad Zagloul Street - Nile Corniche
486. Branch Name: Port Said
Address: Al Nawras Village
Address: Chillout Station
488. Branch Name: Asyut
Address: 106 Al-Gomhoria Street - in front of Al-Watania Mall
489. Branch Name: Bani Sweif
Address: Abdel Salam Aref Street - below the laboratory lab - and in front of Koshary Al Bakri
490. Branch Name: Nefertiti Hotel
Address: Nile Street
491. Branch Name: Ne'ema bay
Address: Al-Shamanora Commercial Center
492. Branch Name: Rosa Mall
Address: Restaurants area
493. Branch Name: Umm El-Sid plateau
Address: Inside Mercato Mall
494. Branch Name: Nabq Bay
Address: In front of Laguna Vista Beach Resort
495. Branch Name: Rahmania Mall
Address: Food Court - Ground Floor

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