Rigoletto - الزمالك
Cairo - Zamalek - نادي الجزيرة

General Information

As Egypt's first Ice Cream Parlour, Rigoletto started in 1987 but under the name Dolce Vita. Rigoletto brand was born 2 years later Rigoletto originally was established in 1987. It started as Egypt's first Ice cream parlour and was a favorite hangout in Maadi and Zamalek. Soon after, Rigoletto opened in Agami and became known for its ice cream cakes (especially Vanilla Croquant), their signature cheesecake and chocolate cakes and the ice cream scoops. Other favorite flavors became our Date/Cinnamon, Cappuccino and Cherry Yoghurt
Category: Desserts
Country: Egypt
City: Cairo
Area: Zamalek
Address: نادي الجزيرة

Comments (1)

Sami Amd
Sami Amd
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