Mtbakh Janet Sereen
Mtbakh Janet Sereen
show season
Buy Sidr Rice (Mandi - Kabsa - Ouzi - Biryani) One and a half oven roasted chicken for only 9.99 dinars
Offer Valid until 05/04/2023
Mtbakh Janet Sereen - Dahyat AlYasmin
Amman - Dahiat Al Yasameen - Jabal Arafat Street - near the map roundabout - next to Al Nada Dairy
show season

General Information

Name: Mtbakh Janet Sereen - Dahyat AlYasmin
Country: Jordan
City: Amman
Area: Dahiat Al Yasameen
Address: Jabal Arafat Street - near the map roundabout - next to Al Nada Dairy