Shawerma el Reem - Egypt
Shawerma el Reem - Egypt
Nostalgic box
And that's why we made you a nostalgic box He walks breakfast, he walks tomorrow, he won't tell you no It is also 48 pounds, but you need something better than that And if you want to fuel the pampering, make it with smoked beef, and it will be only 55 pounds
Offer Valid until 05/04/2023
Shawerma el Reem - Egypt - seventh Avenue
Cairo - Nasr City - 4 B Al Sharq Insurance Buildings - in front of the International Park
Nostalgic box

General Information

Name: Shawerma el Reem - Egypt - seventh Avenue
Country: Egypt
City: Cairo
Area: Nasr City
Address: 4 B Al Sharq Insurance Buildings - in front of the International Park