Al kahera 30
Al kahera 30
Al kahera 30 - El Mukkatam
Cairo - Mokattam - Street 9 - in front of Misr Insurance Club

General Information

Cairo Restaurant 30 You will feel that you are at home from the atmosphere of the place and from eating too Our restaurant takes you back to the beautiful time when everything was right and how you were Cairo 30 restaurants from the good time.. the time when we used to do everything in a mood In our restaurant, we buy vegetables, fruits, meat and even fish from the market ourselves, to ensure that they are fresh and fresh for my country, and also to help the farmer, the butcher and the fisherman that they sell their products first... We season the food in a mood, do it in the oven with wood fire, pottery and cast iron casserole. They are allowed to eat in Cairo 30 tastes that you will not find except with us... In Cairo 30, we do food in a mood, but that's it
Category: Oriental Food
Country: Egypt
City: Cairo
Area: Mokattam
Address: Street 9 - in front of Misr Insurance Club

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