Bites Burger
Bites Burger
Bites Burger - Nasr City
Cairo - Nasr City - 35 Ibrahim Nawara Street - parallel to Ahmed Fakhry Street - very close to the beginning of Makram Ebeid Street

General Information

To provide fresh burgers of all kinds, beside appetizers and potatoes, and they have chicken and meat sandwiches as desired to satisfy all desires, and the burger tastes great and deserves five stars, and the place is constantly clean, and there is high service and there is delivery through the number and they do not delay, and the prices are suitable for everyone and there are meals special for kids
Category: Fast food
Country: Egypt
City: Cairo
Area: Nasr City
Address: 35 Ibrahim Nawara Street - parallel to Ahmed Fakhry Street - very close to the beginning of Makram Ebeid Street

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