Restaurants in 8th Circles
Crispy chicken
Crispy chicken - 8th circle
Amman - 8th Circles - Zahran Street
Mandarin - Eighth Circle
Amman - 8th Circles - Prince Rashid Suburb - behind Zain Company - next to the Royal Automobile Club - opposite Abu Ghazaleh Mosque
AzBerry - 8th Cir
Amman - 8th Circles - Between the seventh circle and the eighth circle - behind the Husseini complex - next to chili ways . restaurant
Amman - 8th Circles -
Amman - 8th Circles -
Suburb jewel
Suburb jewel - The eighth circle
Amman - 8th Circles - Prince Rashid District - Iyad Abu Hilal Street
Zad Snack
Zad Snack - The eighth circle
Amman - 8th Circles - Abdul Rahman Khalifa Street - near the dough corner
Chili Ways
Chili Ways - 8th circle
Amman - 8th Circles - Abd Ar-Rahman Khalifah St.
Amman - 8th Circles -
Crepeuccino - 8th circle
Amman - 8th Circles - Al-mawadh St.
Amman - 8th Circles -
Starbucks -
Amman - 8th Circles -
Amman - 8th Circles -