Oriental Food Restaurants in Alexandria
Fawzi El Kababji
Fawzi El Kababji - North Coast
Alexandria - Northern coast - Hacienda White Village - in front of Gate 1
Alexandria - Loran - Laurent on the sea - the corridor directly before the entrance to El Mahrousa Hotel
Kababgy ElSayeda
Kababgy ElSayeda - La Playa Hotel
Alexandria - Northern coast - Marina 5 - Tongue of Ministers
Mohsen Hamed
Mohsen Hamed - Bahri
Alexandria - Bahari - 91 Ismail Sabry Street - After Farouk Coffee
Shokalata - July 26
Alexandria - Bahari - 41 26th of July Road
Al Talkhawi
Al Talkhawi - Sidi Bishr
Alexandria - Sidi Bishr - 119 Gamal Abdel Nasser Street
Kebda Abu Atwan
Kebda Abu Atwan - Moharam Bek
Alexandria - Muharram Bek - Boalino Street
Tafasaa - Azarita
Alexandria - Azarita - Champollion Street - in front of the Faculty of Dentistry - next to the middle district
Abu Taha - Egypt
Abu Taha - Egypt - Alex Matrouh Desert Road
Alexandria - Northern coast - Km 52.5 - Inside Zomoroda Village - The Second Commercial Market
Kebda Elkeif
Kebda Elkeif - Miami
Alexandria - Miami - Corniche Road - corner of Khaled Ibn Al Walid Street
Habahan - El Gomrek
Alexandria - Gomrok - Gate Bay Street
Kebdet Samy
Kebdet Samy - Bahri
Alexandria - Bahari - 26 Mohamed Karim Street - behind Azza Ice Cream
Fattouh Saleh
Fattouh Saleh - Al Mansheya
Alexandria - Mansheya - Al-Midan market - from the side of Al-Nasr Street
Kepdet Fahmy
Kepdet Fahmy - El-Mandara
Alexandria - Mandara - 400 Malak Hefni Street - Mandara Bahri