Mr Mashawy
Mr Mashawy
Mr Mashawy - Port Fuad
Port Said - Por Fouad - National Party Housing - Extension of Studio Mohsen Street - Building 30

General Information

Mr. Mashawi is a restaurant in Egypt that serves grilled dishes Their best selling dishes are Charcoal Grilled Kofta Sandwich, Charcoal Grilled Shish Tawook Sandwich, Spaghetti with Minced Meat and Cordon Bleu Sandwich, although they have a variety of dishes and meals to choose from, like Meat Sandwiches, Chicken Sandwiches, Side Items
Category: Arabic foods
Country: Egypt
City: Port Said
Area: Por Fouad
Address: National Party Housing - Extension of Studio Mohsen Street - Building 30

Mr Mashawy branches in Port Said

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