Andrea Manasterly
Andrea Manasterly
Andrea Manasterly - Maadi
Cairo - Maadi - Nile Corniche

General Information

The Andrea Peking Manastery Andrea The Andrea Peking Manasterly is one of the oldest Nile cruises in Cairo and the best moving Nile cruise in Cairo. It includes a large restaurant that can accommodate 200 people and a small restaurant for 80 people. It offers lunch and dinner trips daily. A very varied and delicious food in addition to the artistic program. The Andrea Peking Manasterly is famous for being affiliated with the famous Andrea group and chain of restaurants, in addition to the technical program that includes folk arts, Tanoura, oriental dance, African Shaw, Alexandrian and Farmers, and the Andrea Peking Manastirli.
Category: Multi cuisine
Country: Egypt
City: Cairo
Area: Maadi
Address: Nile Corniche

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