fatburger - برج المملكة
Riyadh - Kingdom Tower - شارع العليا

General Information

” The name of the store was my idea, I wanted to get across the idea of a big burger with everything on it . . . a meal in itself. “ Lovie Yancey was an entrepreneur from the start. In 1947, she built a business from the ground up: a three-stool hamburger stand using scrap materials from her partner’s construction business. They called it Mr. Fatburger. But in 1952, they split. Ever persistent, she shed the “Mr.” from the namesake, and worked tirelessly to make Fatburger what it is today: a mega successful franchise the world over. There’s a reason Fatburger is a household name. It’s the burgers, of course, but it’s also Lovie Yancey.
Category: Fast food
Country: Saudi Arabia
City: Riyadh
Area: Kingdom Tower
Address: شارع العليا

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